
Solution for bad Omens

When a black cat crosses our path, it is an omen. Black represents planet Saturn. This planet causes failures and delays in our tasks and ventures. When a black cat crosses the path, it means that the particular task at hand would not be fruitful or would get delayed. It means that planet Saturn is not working favorably for him or her.
When one happens to experience such an omen, then one can sincerely offer prayers to God and light a lamp for Lord Ganesha to ward off the ill effects of planet Saturn.
It is good omen to see a cow, cow with calf, horse, elephant, before setting on a journey but a bad omen when a black cat comes across the path, according to saguna sastra.

While performing puja in Hinduism, it is very auspicious to offer coconuts to God and say that offering coconuts fulfill all desires. Coconut is considered to be very important in the pooja text in today's time. At the same time, there are times when the coconut offered during the pooja turns out to be bad, so people throw it away and treat it as a bad sign. On the other hand, many people are afraid that they may not become unlucky, God is angry or an accident is about to happen. Well, if you believe all these things, let us know that you think wrong. Yes, there are some reasons why coconuts are spoiled and today we are going to tell you about the same reason.
Coconuts are considered to be the epitome of the goddess of wealth, Maa Lakshmi, and it is very important to have coconut in their worship. It is said that if the coconut offered in the pooja turns out to be bad, it does not mean that some are going to be unlucky, but it is auspicious to get the coconut spoiled.

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