This Lalitha Sahasranam is from Brahmanda Purana. Brahmanda purana is one of the 18 puranas in Hindhu Mithalogy. Lalitha Devi is a bliss. Sahasranama is Thousand names. Lalitha sahasranama means 1000 names of godess lalitha devi. The names are in the form of stotra. Nornally in any devine sahasranama, no name will be repeated. Same as in this also, not a single name is repeated.
The Lalita sahasranama does not use any such auxiliary conjunctions and is unique in being an enumeration of holy names that meets the metrical, poetical and mystic requirements of a sahasranama by their order throughout the text.
Lalita Sahasranama starts by calling the goddess Shri Mata means the great mother, Shri Maharajni means the great queen and Shrimat Simhasaneshwari meansthe queen sitting on the lion-throne. In verses 2 and 3 of the Sahasranama she is described as a Udayatbhanu Sahasrabha means the one who is as bright as the rays of thousand rising suns, Chaturbahu Samanvita means godess with four hands and Ragasvarupa Pashadhya (the one who is holding the rope). Chidagnikunda Sambhuta (one who was born from the altar of the fire of consciousness) and Devakarya samudyata (one who manifested Herself for fulfilling the objects of the devas) are among other names mentioned in the sahasranama.
The Lalita sahasranama does not use any such auxiliary conjunctions and is unique in being an enumeration of holy names that meets the metrical, poetical and mystic requirements of a sahasranama by their order throughout the text.
Lalita Sahasranama starts by calling the goddess Shri Mata means the great mother, Shri Maharajni means the great queen and Shrimat Simhasaneshwari meansthe queen sitting on the lion-throne. In verses 2 and 3 of the Sahasranama she is described as a Udayatbhanu Sahasrabha means the one who is as bright as the rays of thousand rising suns, Chaturbahu Samanvita means godess with four hands and Ragasvarupa Pashadhya (the one who is holding the rope). Chidagnikunda Sambhuta (one who was born from the altar of the fire of consciousness) and Devakarya samudyata (one who manifested Herself for fulfilling the objects of the devas) are among other names mentioned in the sahasranama.
Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Bhashyam by Brahmasri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma
Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sthotram full in Lalitha Devi Image
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