
Problems With State Control of Hindu Temples

In this J Sai Deepak latest, he explains the dangerous consequences of state control of Hindu Temples in India and why Hindu temples must be freed from state control.
Most Hindus are happy to tolerate the presence of the state in the temple as long as state does not interfere in their religious affairs. Most Hindus don't understand and live under the naive belief that the state will control only secular aspects. How is that even possible? If the money is in their hands, the ability and the power to appoint people to different positions is in their hands, your security is in their hands, how do you hope to have the freedom only with respect to religious affairs.
Because what you believe are the secular aspects, are the ones that give you the power to invest in the society. Money if it is secular, is the one that gives you the ability to invest in your community. So how can that essential aspect be in the hands of the government.
Sai Deepak also provides practical workable solutions to common Hindus as to what they can do to free Hindu temples from state control.

Difference between Religion vs Science

Are Religion and Science at loggerheads with each other? That depends on what’s your definition of ‘Religion’… The Ancient Indian Civilization had incredible scientific temper and the reason for this has been in its rich Spiritual Roots. In this doc film, we will tell you HOW and WHY Religion and Science were never conflicting in India, unlike in Medieval Europe or elsewhere.
Religion and Science

What is the Importance of Cow

Hindus do not consider the cow to be a god and they do not worship it. Hindus, however, are vegetarians and they consider the cow to be a sacred symbol of life that should be protected and revered. In the Vedas, the oldest of the Hindu scriptures, the cow is associated with Aditi, the mother of all the gods.


What to do on 09/03/2022

ఫాల్గుణ బహుళ సప్తమి అనగా ఫాల్గుణమాసములో కృష్ణ పక్షము నందు సప్తమి తిథి కలిగిన 22వ రోజు.

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